Just like the first and second days of the seminar, the third day of the Kumite Seminar was also filled with a lot of action. It was a day Mr. Pinna went on to practice his other passion, Golf. That however did not stop him from also taking more time to inspire more young masters in the art of combat.
Just like he had passed by the day before, Christophe Pinna went back to the Kigali Golf Resort and Villas. On this occasion, his club was ready to help him go around the course doing some holes. He had the big pleasure of playing in Kigali surrounded by the different hills around the valley where the magnificent resort resides. In his game, he showed his patience in pace and his expertise shows he has been consistently practicing this game.

The day got concluded in LDK’s Gymnasium where Mr. Pinna and his trainees had more practice in the art of combat using the previously learned techniques and new ones. After repeating the previous lessons, they added on the new ways of practicing the Tsuki and learned how to throw mawashi-Geri and Ura mawashi. He taught them new ways of utilizing usual techniques in combat. He gave them one of the keys to successfully winning against your opponent.
Using the Tsuki he explained that while most people are used to just throwing one shot at a time, this is just basic and everyone is used to it. “To make a difference you have to do it multiple times. Even if they block you once, coming back to them will take them by surprise and you will have a higher chance to win the game” he explained. He also added that every time you always have to start strong and keep throwing kick after kick until you have gotten to where you want your opponent to be.

This training session will be followed by a break this Thursday as Mr. Pinna goes on with other activities in the country. They will continue uninterrupted for the following days as scheduled, one thing is for sure more is yet to come from this legendary man.