One of the things Christophe Pinna insists on is being an inspiration to people with a lower experience, to the younger generation. This weekend he started the training with children. This was a moment that would help children but also would motivate their coaches.
This weekend is the last two days of the Kumite Seminar. It was very important to have children participate in the seminar. In their session just like with the grown-ups, they went through a number of katas before a few of them practiced their combat skills with the champion himself.

It was a whole sight to see how the champion worked with children of all ages. The genuine care that marked the session was shown by how comfortable both parties displayed. Children were able to show without holding back what they were able to do while Mr. Pinna display displayed genuine tenderness towards the children.

This moment was also special for the coaches. Getting to see how a champion like Mr. Pinna handles training sessions gives them too an insight into how to go about their own methods. It is also a way to help them see an outside perspective of what a class that also includes combat might look like.
This was the day before the last one of the seminar.